The country has been under lockdown for almost two months now, and the world has been hit by the pandemic for a little longer. These are not only difficult but also unprecedented times. But, the life of cancer patients during the Covid-19 pandemic has been way more chaotic. People going through breast cancer treatment in Noida or anywhere in India can vouch for the severe effect of the pandemic on their lives. Even the best cancer doctors are flummoxed at the moment.
How has lockdown impacted cancer patients? Lockdown or quarantine, whatever you would like to call the constant stagnancy at play in this pandemic, has been very difficult for patients receiving breast cancer treatment in Delhi and elsewhere in India and around the world.
However, breast cancer treatment is not the only thing getting hindered; in fact, all cancer patients are suffering through the chaos of a pandemic and a compromised immune system. Here’s how:
Accessibility-While hospitals are open, reaching them is the issue now. Anybody without a personal vehicle and a legal permit cannot travel easily to their centers of treatment. What would you do if you had the best cancer doctor in town, but there was no way for you to reach him/her?
Economical worries-Well, breast cancer treatment, along with the other cancer treatments, is not cheap. It is difficult to afford such treatments when people are unable to go to work because of Covid-19.
Emotional turmoil-What happens, when you are already fighting a battle, and war is thrust upon you? Some cancer patients know the answer to that all too well. Even under the care of the best oncologist in Delhi or India, cancer patients are suffering the most because not only is the virus ravaging people, it is supposedly a little more difficult for immune-compromised cancer patients to handle, and that is a tad bit anxiety-striking.
The 4 week window-Some of the best cancer doctors would agree that there is a 4-week window before stage migration in cancer patients. The lockdown has stopped their treatment plan in track, and that might cause their cancer to migrate while the world around them is staying at place.
Priority change -The primary focus of hospitals and doctor's chambers around the world currently is to accommodate and treat Covid-19 patients. Every treatment, test, and diagnosis has taken a backseat now. However, cancer will not wait for the virus to end, and this lack of treatment is already affecting cancer patients worldwide.
Precautions that cancer patients can take during Covid-19
Some of the recommendations from researchers, best cancer doctors, and experts around the world for cancer patients are:
Consult with your cancer specialist in Delhi or anywhere else to create a treatment plan that allows at-home treatments like oral chemotherapy medications.
According to some of the best cancer doctors and researchers, the dosing of the treatments can be altered to reduce clinic visits. For example, 3 weekly dosing instead of weekly, GCSF-growth factor to minimize neutropenia, and dexamethasone to reduce immune-suppression might decrease the doctor’s visits.
Endocrine therapies, which have no effect on immune function, can be easily continued.
Another recommendation is telemedicine safety monitoring by doctors instead of asking patients to visit them.
Bone agents should be available for patients with bone metastases should be made available to them with minimal hospital or clinic access.
Drug holidays, supportive care, and delayed or de-escalated regimens should be implemented whenever appropriate.
Patients already on a treatment plan should continue their treatment as is if the benefits outweigh the risk of Covid-19, but, if possible a shift to a plan with fewer clinic visits is recommended.
Patients visiting hospitals and clinic for breast cancer treatment and other cancer treatments along with their doctors and other health workers should be supplied with PPE. They should also maintain proper distance from everybody during visits.
Cancer growth blockers and immune checkpoint inhibitors should be prescribed with caution keeping in mind the current situation.
It is best to remember the life of cancer patients and their future will invariably change during and after this pandemic. However, the symptoms of Covid-19 in cancer patients are no different than other people, and there is no proof of cancer patients having higher chances of getting infected, despite them being a little more vulnerable.
Wrapping it up Covid-19 has rattled the world but, the lives of immune-compromised people like cancer patients have been hampered the most. If you are a cancer patient or if you are hi-risk or if you are mid-diagnosis, you can always consult a reputed oncologist in Delhi NCR or all over India like Dr. Manish Singhal and find the best possible treatment for you.