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Advanced lung cancer prognosis: How long can you live with advanced lung cancer?

Writer's picture: breastcancerconsultbreastcancerconsult

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

In India, lung cancer forms 6.9% of all new cancer cases, irrespective of gender, and worldwide it is the most commonly occurring cancer in men & the third most commonly occurring cancer in women. As common as lung cancer is, the information about it in it’s advanced stage is either scarce or inadequately represented, inciting fear and uncertainty in lung cancer patients. So, here we will try to clear the confusion a bit.

Stages of lung cancer

What does the stage of your lung cancer tell you?

  • Where the cancerous tumor cells are located in the lungs

  • How large the tumor is

  • Whether cancer has spread

There are primarily 2 types of lung cancer, small cell, and non-small cell; each is staged differently. The best cancer doctors create treatment plans based on the cancer type and stage. Staging also helps doctors gauge the chances of the treatment's success.

Small cell lung cancer constitutes 20% of the lung cancer numbers. It has two stages:

Limited stage-Cancer is found in one lung, and maybe in nearby lymph nodes.

Extensive stage-The cancer has spread beyond one lung.

Non-small cell lung cancer, on the other hand, constitutes about 80-85% of the lung cancer numbers. The staging is done by the TNM system.

T-Tumor size

N-Whether cancer is present in lymph nodes

M-Whether cancer has metastasized

The staging goes like this:

  • Occult Stage

Cancer cells found in sputum but, either tumor is not found through imaging & testing, or tumor is too small to be checked.

  • Stage 0

Cancer is tiny and has not spread into deeper lung tissues or outside.

  • Stage 1

Cancer cells are present in lung tissue, but lymph nodes remain unaffected.

  • Stage 2

Cancer may have spread to nearby lymph nodes or chest wall.

  • Stage 3

Cancer is continuing it’s spread from lungs to lymph nodes to nearby structures.

Then comes stage 4, the most feared of them all and the most researched by some of the best cancer doctors and researchers worldwide.

Stage 4 or the highly advanced stage

When cancer has already metastasized extensively beyond the lungs, lung cancer is in stage IV. About 40% of NSCLC patients are diagnosed at this stage. Oncologists in Delhi and worldwide constantly warn about the primary reason behind the ferocity of lung cancer-late stage detection. Researchers are working and asking people to be vigilant, but there is no answer yet. Hence, the 5-year survival rate of those diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer is less than 10%.

There are several treatment options for stage 4 lung cancer patients, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and many more. Not only that, but treatment for the associated symptoms is also available to make the lives of such cancer patients better. Oncologists like Dr. Manigh Singhal, one of the best lung cancer doctors in Delhi NCR, offering lung cancer treatment in Delhi and the surrounding areas, offer continual and effective guidance, along with the treatment to their patients.

However, the question remains, can you live a long life with advanced lung cancer?

No clear answer to this is available because there IS no clear answer. The survival rate is a number, statistics. But, your body is different, your experience might be different. Is it taxing? Yes. But is doom guaranteed? Definitely no.

If you get diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, the best thing for you to do is to talk with your oncologist, get a second opinion to get more insights from experts like Dr. Manish Singhal, a revered cancer specialist in Delhi. Also, learn about dos and don'ts.

Dos and don'ts for advanced lung cancer patients


  • Talk to your oncologist regularly.

  • Research the condition and it’s outcomes by yourself.

  • Talk about the rush of emotions once you get diagnosed.

  • Take charge of your health

  • Make and maintain healthy habits

  • Seek out help and advise


  • It is normal to be anxious. But, don’t give in.

  • Expect the worst outcome.

  • Push away your loved ones.

  • Give up on yourself.

  • Listen to rumours.

  • Miss check-ups.

This is NOT the end

We are not saying there is a cure for all advanced lung cancer, but there is hope. Cancer patients, cancer survivors, and the best cancer doctors feel the same way. There is also ample help. The key to beating and living with advanced-stage lung cancer is to take one day at a time and seek direction from experienced doctors who have handled such cases before, like Dr. Manish Singhal, the best Oncologist in Delhi.



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